Snow days

Proof that all you need to have fun is a cookie sheet.

We got not one snow day this week, but two. Seattle tends to become immobilized during bouts of snow due to the steep hills and I was grateful for a chance to stay home and enjoy the beauty of the snow! By now though I'm going a little crazy and am almost looking forward to going to work tomorrow.


The fun thing about Seattle snow is it brings out pedestrians in droves. Nearly everyone and their dog goes out for a walk during snowstorms and our local pizza joint, Pazzo's, was evidence. They were stocked to the brim with customers and we were lucky to get in our order for calzones before they ran out of ingredients since their delivery trucks couldn't make their deliveries.

Plus you see any kind of device substituting as a sled. I saw a girl try to go down a hill while straddling a snowboard like a sled. And no, I didn't say, "Um, sweetie, that's not how it works..."

Because she could've said the same thing about our cookie sheet!

Snowmageddon 2012!

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