Hands off my stuff

About a year ago, I fashioned a paper crane out of a pink Post-It note, attached it to a straightened paper clip, and taped the paper clip to a pen of mine in an attempt to keep the pen on my desk and out of my co-worker’s hands. It worked – the pink crane pen stayed on my desk for nearly a year, while all other pens disappeared into the inner bowels of my office, never to be heard from again.

Last Friday, the tape holding the paper clip to the pen gave out and my crane fell off. I set the contraption aside on my desk, intending to tape it back together on Monday. Monday came and I started searching for my pen so I could tape my clip-crane back on. THE PEN WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Thus, I proved my theory that the taped-on crane thwarted would-be (and probably accidental) thieves.

What have I learned? I must immediately fix things when they break, and never leave out items I wish to see again. I’m off to start working on a flock of pink cranes.


Jen McCully said...

You should just keep a bunch of Blue Sky pens at your desk, so at least when they disappear you'll be happy that you're "spreading the Word"...

Heather Seymour said...

Ha I should! I also really like the way they write...