#26: Cook my way through a cookbook

No, I haven't actually done it yet. But I DID pick out the cookbook that will be my lucky guide.

The author's premise is that Indian food shouldn't be so complicated and mysterious as to dissuade people from trying to make it, because it's actually simple and doesn't have to take a ton of time. She's singing my language! Mark and I love Indian food so I'm looking forward to trying out these recipes. Most of all, I thumbed through the book and appreciated that the author tried to mainly use ingredients you could easily find at a regular supermarket or an international market, and that she promises only to use five spices - you won't find yourself buying something you'll only use once. Plus, 50 recipes sounded like much more of a manageable goal rather than 100-300.

1. I reserve the right to forfeit up to three dishes from the line-up. These are my free passes to ensure that we don't waste energy and money on a dish that I'm positive neither of us would eat.
2. I reserve the right to make substitutions as necessary. I hope to not have to do this, but depending on the prominence of the onions, I may decrease or omit them to make the dish more palatable for Mark. Usually he's fine with onions in Indian food (the spices give them a whole new flavor) but the option will be there just in case.

Let's play ball!


Unknown said...

Good Luck! And most important - have fun!

Jen McCully said...

What fun! I love Indian food as well, and it IS easy to make.

I've been bouncing back and forth between making Indian and Thai dishes lately - what I always "crave" during my pregnancies, apparently.


Esther said...

Nice, that sounds like fun cooking your way through it! I should try that with one of my cookbooks. Would love some new Indian recipes, let me know if you find any good ones!