Garden Update: 2 1/2 weeks in

 As you can see from above, the garden is actually growing! Not that I'm super shocked. But it's still exciting to me. The picture above shows how quickly our snow peas are growing. They've almost reached the trellis and then hopefully they'll cling to it and start winding their way up.

Above is our row of lettuce. The lettuce was the first to sprout in the garden, and it's been growing steadily. Apparently I'm incapable of planting in a straight line... I'm not sure what happened there.

The carrots have been a little slower to sprout but they are steadily making it. I wish I could see what's going on beneath the surface! The cucumbers and zucchinis still haven't sprouted. I haven't given up hope yet - I read somewhere that cucumbers will germinate slowly in colder conditions and the weather hasn't exactly proved to be spring since I planted. I did catch a cat relieving himself on one of my zucchini mounds so I'm hoping I won't have to re-plant. Has anyone grown cukes before?


Jen McCully said...

Love the new look on your page, heather.

I haven't planted cukes, but zucchinis and I have...I started them in little starter pots first (they were in the window of our south-facing bathroom - perfect for humidity and light), and let them get between 3-4 inches long before transplanting them outside.

So, I don't think I've helped, because you've already planted them outside...

Jen McCully said...

I meant to say I've planted zucchinis and winter squash...

Cuz'n Kathy said...

What a great first garden, Heather. Cukes are easy. Just stuff the seeds into a mound and let them sprout. The vines will find their way around the ground. Your first garden meal will be sooooo memorable! Keep up the good work!

Heather Seymour said...

Thanks Jennifer! Hopefully the zucchinis will come up soon... next year I think I'll start more things indoors, like peppers. Kathy, thanks for the tips! You are such a master gardener and you inspire me!