My news/media diet: What do you read?

The Atlantic Wire is doing an interesting series where they interview prominent authors and journalists and ask them where they get their news - what their media consumption looks like on a daily basis. For example, one of the latest interviewees was Terry Gross of National Public Radio's Fresh Air. Of course she had to say NPR's Morning Edition, but who knew that serious Terry Gross is also a fan of Jon Stewart?

So what's my media diet? I also start my day with NPR's Morning Edition on the drive to work. My morning just wouldn't be the same without Steve Inskeep educating me on world news. When I get to work, I check The Seattle Times, The New York Times, and BBC. Depending on my appetite for local news, I may also check the Seattle P-I (may their print edition rest in peace). Slate is an absolute must - I'm addicted to that site. As the morning turns into afternoon, my news hunger seems to taper off. I check The Seattle Times continuously throughout the day but it's rare for me to consult any other news site after I get home from work. And let's be honest, the day wouldn't be complete without a hit of the clever fashion forward girls at the Fugly blog.

Aside from straight-up news, I've gotten more into nonfiction lately (see the list on the right). I'm swinging back over to fiction though, as I'll soon start the next installment in The Three Musketeers series - Twenty Years Later.

What about you? Where do you get your news or your entertainment?

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